facebook internet tracking settlement email

facebook internet tracking settlement email

Facebook Loses Internet Tracking Settlement Email Lawsuit

What’s the Facebook Internet Tracking Settlement Email?

Hey readers!

Did you receive an email from Facebook recently about a settlement agreement related to its internet tracking practices? If so, you’re not alone. In this detailed guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about the Facebook internet tracking settlement email, including the lawsuit behind it, the terms of the settlement, and what your options are as a recipient. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

The Lawsuit Behind the Settlement

In 2018, a group of Facebook users filed a class-action lawsuit against the social media giant, alleging that Facebook had violated their privacy by tracking their internet activities even after they had logged out of the platform. The lawsuit claimed that Facebook used cookies and other tracking technologies to collect data about users’ browsing history, even when they were not actively using Facebook.

The Terms of the Settlement

In November 2022, Facebook reached a settlement agreement with the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. Under the terms of the settlement, Facebook agreed to:

  • Pay $90 million to the plaintiffs and their attorneys
  • Delete the data it had collected from users’ internet activities after they had logged out of Facebook
  • Implement new privacy measures to limit the amount of data it collects from users

What Are Your Options?

If you received the Facebook internet tracking settlement email, you have three options:

  • Do nothing: You can choose not to take any action, and Facebook will delete your data as part of the settlement.
  • File a claim: You can file a claim to receive compensation under the settlement.
  • Opt out: You can opt out of the settlement and pursue your own legal action against Facebook.

Settlement Details

Action Deadline
File a claim April 24, 2023
Opt out April 24, 2023
Contact the Claims Administrator 1-833-500-4119

Important Considerations

  • Be cautious of phishing emails: Be wary of emails that claim to be from Facebook and ask you to provide personal information.
  • Check the settlement website: You can visit the official settlement website at www.facebookinternetsettlement.com for more information.
  • Contact the Claims Administrator: If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Claims Administrator at the number provided above.


The Facebook internet tracking settlement email is an important notice regarding the settlement of a class-action lawsuit against Facebook. As a recipient of this email, you have three options: do nothing, file a claim, or opt out. Make sure to consider the details of the settlement before making a decision. Remember that the deadlines to file a claim or opt out are April 24, 2023.

For more information on related topics, check out our other articles:

FAQ about Facebook Internet Tracking Settlement Email

What is the Facebook Internet Tracking Settlement Email?

This email is part of a settlement agreement resolving a class action lawsuit against Facebook regarding its use of internet tracking technologies.

Who is eligible for the settlement?

US residents who had a Facebook account between April 22, 2016, and September 26, 2023, are potentially eligible.

How much money could I get from the settlement?

The exact amount varies, but most eligible members should receive around $397.

How do I file a claim for the settlement?

You can submit a claim online at: https://www.facebookinternetprivacysettlement.com

What is the deadline to file a claim?

The deadline to file a claim is October 27, 2023.

If I don’t file a claim, what happens?

You will not receive any money from the settlement.

What if I have questions about the settlement?

You can contact the Settlement Administrator by email at: info@facebookinternetprivacysettlement.com or by phone at: 1-866-642-1917.

What if I am not eligible for the payment?

You may still be eligible to receive injunctive relief under the settlement, which involves changes to Facebook’s data privacy practices.

How long will it take to receive my payment?

Payments are expected to be distributed in early 2024.

What changes has Facebook made to its data privacy practices as part of the settlement?

Facebook has agreed to limit its use of internet tracking technologies and provide clearer privacy controls to users.
